Upskilling Career Guidance Professionals & Trainers -
Empowering Long-Term Unemployed Aging Adults


Empowering Long-Term Unemployed (LTU) Older Workers through Coaching and Personal Branding is an EU-funded project. It is running between September 2016 and January 2019 and is funded under the Erasmus+ programme for education and training. The project’s aim is to give older (aged 45 and over) people the opportunity to experience success through self-development, creative thinking and through exploring opportunities!


The project’s main products are handbooks, coaching workshops and training tools, to empower career guidance professionals to deliver targeted training and long-term unemployed aging adults to unlock their career potential, as employees or starting their own business.

HANDBOOK ON EMPLOYMENT STRATEGIES & TRAINING TOOLS TO MOTIVATE & ACTIVATE LONG_TERM UNEMPLOYED PEOPLE BACK TO WORK aimed at career advisors, guidance professionals, trainers and policy makers, and in three parts:

The Handbook will be available in English, Spanish, Greek and Italian. The handbook will be piloted in the project countries with the participation of guidance professionals, trainers as well as long-term unemployed older workers.


The project brings together a transnational consortium involving five experts in different fields from four EU countries (Spain, UK, Greece and Italy) mostly affected by long-term unemployment. The team has complementary experience and expertise in the fields of education and training, career guidance, social inclusion and labour integration, technical development of support tools, combining research with market and technical knowledge.

Partners are meeting regularly in different cities, hosted at the premises of the different partners. These include meetings and training in  Malaga,  Sheffield,  Madrid, Athens, Bologna and Malaga.


The Empowering LTU Older Workers project and European partners are open to collaboration and links with interested stakeholders across Europe and beyond!
Please contact us to find out how we can work together.

Some of our links so far:

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Press Release | February 2019

EU project “Empowering LTU´s Older workers through coaching and personal branding” will support both career advisors and professionals dealing with LTU´s and ultimately LTU´s through individualized

6th Project Meeting / 30 January 2019 / Malaga (ES)

Last transnational meeting at Fundación Coremsa headquarters!

5th Project Meeting / 22 June 2018 / Bologna (IT)

The 5th transnational project meeting took place in Bologna (IT) on 22 June 2018, hosted by project partner STEPS.

Pilotings for CA and LTUs / April - May 2018 / Coremsa, Malaga (ES)

Fundación Coremsa will be implementing during April and May in its location of Tomás Heredia Street, the piloting targeted at Career Advisors and +45 long term employed under the frame of the Erasmus+ 2014-2020 Project “Empowering LTU older workers through Coaching & Personal Branding”.

Dissemination session / 23 March 2018 / Coremsa, Malaga (ES)

Fundación Coremsa has celebrated a dissemination session to inform about the Erasmus+ project “Empowering LTU Older Workers through coaching & personal branding”.

Dissemination session / 14 March 2018 / Malaga (ES)

Fundación Coremsa has celebrated a dissemination session to inform about the Erasmus+ project “Empowering LTU Older Workers through coaching & personal branding”.

4th Project Meeting / 1 February 2018 / Athens (EL)

The 4th transnational project meeting took place in Athens (EL) on 1 February 2018, hosted by project partner Knowl, at the Academy of Entrepreneurship headquarters.

3rd Project Meeting / 22 September 2017 / Madrid (ES)

Project partners met in Madrid hosted by Acción Contra el Hambre, to celebrate the 3rd transnational project meeting on 22nd September 2017.

2nd Project Meeting / 28-29 April 2017 / Sheffield (UK)

The 2nd transnational project meeting took place in Sheffield (UK), on 28 & 29 April 2017, hosted by project partner Inova, right after the completion of the joint training event in the frame of the project.