An intensive, interactive, 5-full-day training event took place in Sheffield (UK) in April 2017 (24/4-28/4), hosted and organised by project partner Inova Consultancy in collaboration with the Sheffield Hallam University (expert in coaching and mentoring).
As part of the collaborative learning procedure, representatives of project partner organisations, all experts in the field of coaching and mentoring, exchanged experiences, methodologies, techniques and ideas, in the form of both theoretical and practical sessions including also experiential excercises on coaching and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), ways to build and improve teamworking, self-confidence, communication, self-awareness, the use of social media and personal branding startegies, the entrepreneur mindset, etc. Moreover, participants attended the Coaching and Mentoring Open Space Event in Shallam University of Sheffield, where they had the opportunity to get together with practitioners and academics and talk about what's happening in that rapidly developing area. Close to the end of the event, participants exchanged ideas on how to proceed with the development of the actual training material in the frame of the "Empowering LTU older workers through coaching and personal branding" project, according also to the fruitful results of the joint training event.